Leonchuk SL*
Clinic “Diamed” 2 micro districts, 9, Kurgan, Russia
*Corresponding author: Sergey Leonchuk, Clinic “Diamed” 2 micro districts, 9, Kurgan, Russia, Tel: +7 961 571 88 74, E-mail: [email protected]
Received Date: December 10, 2024
Publication Date: January 24, 2025
Citation: Leonchuk SL. (2025). Ontogenesis: Diseases of Ontogenetic Development. Neuro Research. 7(1):21.
Copyright: Leonchuk SL. © (2025).
Nature is ruled by the second law of thermodynamics, or the law of increasing entropy. An organism is an integral open non-equilibrium biological system. The ecosystem seeks to destroy its integrity, subjugate it, and dictates its systemic arrangement through natural biological selection. Living organisms resist the general natural tendency to entropic death through the creation of complex biological systems with non-entropic properties. Phylogeny is adaptationiogenesis. The source of evolution of living systems is the conflict between the entropic forces of nature and the non-entropic defenses of the organism. Countering the forces of entropic degradation is the essence of progressive biological development. Ontogenesis is an individual protective and adaptive process of organism's counteraction to the entropic pressure of the ecosystem. By its nature, it is not a straightforward, progressive and painless process, but an internally contradictory, multidimensional, leapfrogging process going through systemic recessions, crises and conflicts. The consequence of antagonistic contradictions and internal conflict of the organism with the ecosystem are the diseases of its ontogenetic development.
Keywords: Biological System, Developmental Periods, Entropy, Non-Entropy, Ontogenesis, Maturation, Evolution, Involution, Aging, Developmental Diseases